mercoledì 29 aprile 2015

How to Steal Like an Artist

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Hi Gio,

"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different." - T.S. Eliot

1. Steal Like An Artist

Eliot isn't using the term 'steal' in a negative, defamatory way, but more like study, honor, remix, transform, and credit. Every artist -- every piece of creative work -- has roots in the influence of something that came before. Nothing is completely original.

This is poignant for us as Instagram artists. We're inspired by the accounts we follow and the photos that they post, and we strive to post better, more creative photos than our favorite accounts. That's the condition of the artist. We can't help but borrow and honor what we love by making it better, or at least something different.

Keep this quote at the top of your mind this month whenever you're snapping a photo or making an edit. Let it be your inspiration to outdo every other Instagram and Easy Tiger artist in the game.

Don't imitate -- follow Eliot's lead and steal like an artist.

Stay tuned for the other "things" nobody told you about being creative.

Much love,

Easy Tiger Apps


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