sabato 9 maggio 2015

What No One Told You About Being Creative - Part 2

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Hi Gio,

1. Don't wait until you know who you are to get started.

Your first photo isn't going to be a masterpiece. That's not how creativity and art works. As much as we'd all love to believe that this craft is easy, the simple truth is that it's not.

But don't let that stop you! Every picture you take is a step in the direction toward the person/artist/creative that you want to be. Once you've mastered stealing like an artist from those people who you admire and look up to, it's time to copy and copy and copy until you come away with something that is inspired and completely your own.

That's the power behind the phrase "don't wait until you know who you are to get started." If you never dive in, head first and blind, you'll never fully step into the shoes of the creative person you're striving to be on the inside.

Good luck out there, Easy Tiger artists. Stay strong and keep posting!

Much love,

Easy Tiger Apps

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